After a 3am meeting on Activeangler, Funchy and I thought it was time I shared some of my vast knowledge on the subject of flathead. So I jumped in the Pajero with fantastic plastic in tow and met my student at the ramp at .... well Funchy's spot X. 5am start saw a beautiful morning in the making, tide was 3/4 in and on the make.
First spot we were joined by a couple of other boats with the same idea, and after 1/2 an hour of no hits we decided to move to Funchy's number one location as it was time with the sun just starting to show. Wasn't long and Funchy was pulling a few undersize flathead fry from the weed beds, then I stunned "The Flathead King" with the first keeper sliding into the net, Yes Dids was in front One - Nil. The King was clearly impressed and fired questions, for the next few hours about plastic selection, retrieves, line leader material etc ect...... I did my best to answer everything with my usual generous nature and Funchy lapped it up. Wasn't long and I guided Funchy onto a very nice 76cm flat one. It's great to see a kid succeed after a little persistence and a helping hand. In the end I just sat back and watched. I think Funchy got 4 keepers in the end as well as the big girl, who was released. Well done Mate. I enjoyed the day very much.
Anything you want to add?