So today saw me out early, breakky pie and coffee from the bakery, heading north to check out a couple small creeks. Pretty shallow, lost one small jack, no run in the tide. Had a look up one of the bigger creeks. Massive school of Barra, but couldn’t tempt them in ten minutes so moved on. Wanted a feed so stopped. Couple squid. Half a dozen sand whiting about 28-30 in a foot of gin clear water. Had a couple more casts. Saw this thing eat my yabbie. Not great on 6lb mono. Turned out to be a pretty nice flatty. Nearly 70. Couple pics and released. Or so I thought. She/he didn’t fight heaps, and just didn’t release. I left it for 15 minutes. Pushed and prodded to try get it to swim. Towed it. Nothing. It just kept sinking to the bottom. Way bigger than I normally keep but she’s dinner. Felt a bit shit but I tried my best to revive her. No eggs at least. I dunno what was wrong. Got another crab so winning.
Most of today was on video so will do a clip up next week when we get home.